Age Of Empires 2 Hd Game Failed To Initialize Steam

I would like Age of Empires 2 HD 'Unable to initialize graphics system. Device may not meet minimum specs. Subcode=3' fixed so at least I can play the game at a bad framerate. I successfully installed Age of Empires 2 DE but only after re-installing the latest Windows 10 image (keeping my existing files) I even managed to start a game, but as it was late at night, I had to come back a couple of days later. Now it states that it needs administrator privileges to run.

Earlier this week we asked on our social channels:

Many of you not only shared the last time you invited everyone over for a LAN party, but you also asked how to create a LAN game in AoE II HD. Below are the quick and easy instructions on how you host a local game for you and your friends so you can enjoy low ping.


  1. You will need an internet connection to set up the game.
  2. Your friends will all need to be on the same local internet connection as you.
  3. Host a multiplayer game and have your friends join as normal.
  4. If all of your friends are on the same local internet connection and join the game, the game’s connection will then automatically turn local.

Age Of Empires 2 Hd Game Failed To Initialize Steam Server


That’s it! Time to play.

If you’re not already following, head over to the Age of Empires Facebook page and Twitter Feed. And if you’d like to chat with the Forgotten Empires team, click here to go to their Facebook Page.[tap the links to go.] See you there!

Discuss of 3 comments

  • Let me translate this for you: No, you cannot play LAN games. But as we are Microsoft, we can make you think you can. First, you need an internet connection...
  • This is complete and utter horseshit and you know it. A LAN game should NOT require an internet connection; I mean, that's the definition of LAN as opposed to WAN. So if all my WAN connected friends are all on the same LAN, then 'the game's connection will automatically turn local', but if they're already on the same LAN, they're already local anyway! The moment you need a WAN connection to create a supposed LAN game, it's already *NOT* LAN anymore, idiots.

    • could not agree more.. but I guess they did it to prevent piracy... well I guess people will pirate even more ...

Age Of Empires 2 Hd Game Failed To Initialize Steam Installer

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