Sony Playstation Eye Camera Driver For Windows 10

Automated Installing Drivers and capture program that allows you to use the Sony EyeToy USB Camera on Computer. It comes with three video capture programs and the drivers to run them. Expand the functionality of the PlayStation 3 Eye by enabling third-party software access with the driver. It allows the camera to be used in Adobe Flash media capture, Skype calls, MSN or Yahoo video chats, etc. It is compatible with any application running on Microsoft Windows DirectShow Framework. Sony and the Environment How we’re reducing our eco-footprint through energy efficiency and recycling initiatives. Sony Pictures The hub for your favourite movies and TV shows. Sony Music Classic artists to today’s stars, local and global.

  1. Sony Playstation Ps3 Eye Camera Driver Windows 10
  2. Drivers For Playstation Eye Camera
  3. Sony Ps3 Eye Camera Driver Windows 10

Drivers para a câmara da PS3 no windows 10

Sony Playstation Ps3 Eye Camera Driver Windows 10

Sony Playstation Eye Camera Driver For Windows 10

Andei à procura dos drivers para colocar a câmara da PS3 (PS3 eye) a funcionar no windows 10. Verifiquei que a malta que desenvolveu esses drivers cobra agora 2 dólares por cada download. O windows 10 não faz actualizações automáticas nem reconhece este dispositivo. Surge sempre a mensagem dos drivers que falta instalar para o USB camera-b4.04.27.1

Mas, entretanto encontrei na “russia” um site que os tem (CL PS3 Eye Driver – Windows XP/7/8). Apesar de serem de 2012 parece que funcionam bem e fiz o download de:

Drivers For Playstation Eye Camera


+infos(o meu link): LINK

Sony Ps3 Eye Camera Driver Windows 10

+infos(russia): LINK

Sony playstation eye camera driver for windows 10 upgrade
Tags : codelaboratories, Drivers windows 10, PS3 eye